How to Drive Experiential Learning in a Virtual Age

How to drive experiential Learning in a virtual age

‘I hear, I know. I see I remember. I do, I understand.’


In today’s world employees are often un-tethered to physical office spaces and can get overwhelmed balancing professional & personal responsibilities. Where does this leave time for training and development? How does one go about ensuring your workforce is equipped to deal with new challenges or even onboard new talent into your organization?

Challenges of a Virtual Workforce

Experiential learning is a personal and more involved process, where the students (your employees) become their own teachers moving beyond the traditional classroom training. 

According to LinkedIn’s 2019 Workplace Learning Report, 94 percent of employees say that they would stay at a company longer if it simply invested in helping them learn.

Benefits to your business

  • It improves the learning experience and encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision making
  • It provides a safe environment which allows them to experiment, make mistakes and learn without judgment thus building confidence
  • It is personalized and can happen anytime, anywhere thanks to technology and the use of portable devices
  • It creates a more engaged workforce and develops employee’s capacity to adapt to new situations and reduces employee turnover.

Knowledge retention doubles with practice!

Keeping in mind the  costs & logistics issues associated with traditional training formats, Experiential Learning gives you  a solid ROI 

 Studies show people who practice, retain 68% of the information after two weeks vs 29% retention by those who just read the material

Gamification as a way of experiential learning

Virtual Implementation


Employee engagement rises by several notches in an experience where they are in full control. Companies like Boch & Airtel are already using interactive, immersive VR/AR to onboard new employees and train the workforce across the country  

 Highly Engaged employees are 75% less likely to be looking for a job compared to Actively Disengaged employees.

Role-play & Simulations 

–  Virtual Training Labs can provide a safe environment to encounter different scenarios and make mistakes. You can create infinitely repeatable real-life scenarios online. 

According to GlobalWebIndex, 38% of people are now watching more online videos as a result of lockdown measures.

Focus Groups and Case Studies

Get answers to the simple question ‘what would you do in this situation?’ Initiate critical thinking and engage in discussion. Video conferencing tools that allow public & private chats, screen sharing, and breakout rooms can be used effectively for collaborative and even cross-functional training.

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